The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar(TCC4J) formed after the murder of Jamar Clark by the Minneapolis Police Department on the night of November 15, 2015. After the 4th Precinct Occupation, we recognized the need to continue gathering people...
I am a local artist who is practicing ways to use dance and meditation to inspire healing on the Northside. I am the artistic director of the Northside dance company BLAQ. We use dance as a rites of passage to evoke change/healing in ourselves as well as our...
Hopewell Music Cooperative North is collaborating with North United Methodist Church to create a Community Youth Center. The Youth Center will be open after school between the hours of 3-8, and will be available for any youth in the community to use — not...
H-Cubed: Harrison, Healing, and Harmonyā€¯ is an artist-led, community-driven, family-centered, grassroots organized series created with the purpose of cultivating healing and harmony in the North Minneapolis Harrison neighborhood through intentional creative...
The children of North Minneapolis would benefit greatly from a nature-based preschool. Young children love being outside. They learn best by being active, curious, and playful. There is a wealth of information regarding the need for greater physical activity, sensory...