My awesome project is to be a community photographer! I want to establish myself as an independent photographer/ entrepreneur named Hanson NS ( Northside ) Photography, or HNSphoto in order to better the image of my amazing community. This program will start as a self run non-profit organization that provides photography exclusively for the Northside community members so I can become the photographer I aspire to be! I already spend hundreds of hours a year doing free photography for my school, North High and local paper, North News because these services are normally costly and out of reach on the Northside. I am a self taught photographer who has persevered into shooting cover photos for North News as a freelance photographer and already do the work needed to be successful, I just lack my own supplies. Photography is my way of giving back to my community. The photo is a canvas; my community, the Northside, is the art. A picture is documentation, Memories, and history. In its stillness, a picture captures emotion, action, and injustice. This is important to me because I can use my skills to better the atmosphere and create unity in my community. I have built my connections and potentially a lifelong career through photographing this community and it is only the beginning! Hanson NS Photography will push our positive image in the media, and continue to provide a fresh, young activist perspective.
Hanson Northside Photography